Day 18...End of week 6

Published by Melanie under on 8:11 AM
Can you believe that I am already 1/2 way through my initial goal of 3 months? Of course, I plan on re-signing the second my 3 months expire, but, time flies when you're...having fun? Somehow that just doesn't seem like the right saying.

Anyhow...Jen taught us last night because Tracy had to prepare for a weekend trip she's taking. Wednesday night, out of nowhere, my back muscles began to spasm. Yesterday morning I woke up with very sore muscles...that ached even as I breathed. I preyed that we weren't going to do a lot of running, since running + breathing = pain...I would rather not.

After we did our walk/run...I asked Jen if we were doing a lot of running that night. She said, "Oh yeah...Cardio Mania baby!" C~R~A~P

Now, rather than bore you with all the details with this MARVELOUS work out again...please click HERE to refresh your memory.

In addition to everything that we did on day 3...Jen added:

25 burpies
skipping the park backwards
star jumps
skipping the park (facing forward)
3 sets of (40) good mornings PER poor back...

My back is SUPER painful today...not so much like I can't walk, but just muscularly sore.

Paige is slowly giving up on herself as she spends more time every night talking with her friend than actually working out. I can't blame is a lot more fun than boot camp...but I constantly feel the need to remind her of our agreement. Paige would rather choose which of the exercises she does rather than attempt them all. For example, she was exhausting herself because she skipped all of the "down" exercises that allow your heart rate to slow down until the next cardio run, and would go right from one cardio run to the next. Although it's not good for her, I have to admit that I was rather impressed at her endurance. The downside of her doing that is that she would be so tired from running/skipping/shuffling laps that she would collapse on her mat for at least 10 minutes, which would ruin her rhythm. Anytime I tried to explain why the other exercises were so important, her attitude would rear it's ugly head and make me feel like a horrible mom in front of little drama queen nearly in tears saying, "Why are you making me do that Mom?" I was quickly losing patience...especially because I was EXTREMELY tired, sweaty, hot and sore.

Once we were done with CARDIO MANIA, it was time for Butts & Abs.

Fire hydrants
1 min hip lifts (on back knees bent lift your butt off the ground, HOLD)
1 min hip pulses (hip lifts, but pulsing up & down)
1 min scissor kicks
alternating toe touches

When that was over, we stretched (my FAVORITE part of the night). Then we shared 5 of our personal favorite affirmations. Mine were:

  1. I have been given the perfect circumstances to make a permanent change in my life
  2. I am the kind of friend I would like to have
  3. I am human, and if I make a mistake I am able to forgive myself
  4. I love life & life loves me
  5. I let go of the past so I can move forward

Some of the affirmations that were shared that I liked were:
  1. I am a winner
  2. I am a survivor
  3. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary
  4. You are only as successful as you allow yourself to be
  5. Everyone slips. It's what you chose to do next that matters.
  6. I am the only one in control of my life
On another note...I have lost another 5 pounds...according to my scale!

Motivational Weightloss Poem

Published by Melanie under on 1:57 PM

When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,
And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
When you want to give up just because you gave in,
And forgot about being healthy and thin.
So What! You went over your points a bit,
It's your next move that counts....So don't quit!

It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
It's learning the skills to get back to your range.
It's telling yourself, "you've done great up till now
You can take on the challenge and beat it somehow."
It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
You're gonna make it, just stay in control.

To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
If you summon the will to get back in the race.
But, often the strugglers, when losing their grip.
Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
And learn too late when the damage is done,
That the race wasn't over and they still could have won.

Life-style change can be awkward and slow,
But facing each challenge will help you to grow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint in the cloud of doubt.
When you 're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit.
If you bite it, you write it. But Don't You Dare Quit!
~Author Unknown

Project Week 6

Published by Melanie under on 8:28 AM
List another 25 Positive Affirmations. Pick 5 of your favorite & post them throughout your house in places that you will see *and read* them every day.

Last month's list: (additions in PINK)
  1. I have the most beautiful, loving, kind, sensitive, and well-rounded kids in the world
  2. I have a husband who loves me for who I am, not what I look like, who would do anything for me.
  3. I am so fortunate to have a steady job, beautiful home, and family near-by.
  4. I have the most awesome sister in the world, who is also my best friend and an excellent Auntie to my kids.
  5. I have a great Mom who constantly tells me what a great mom I am and encourages me to be a better person.
  6. I am an excellent friend
  7. I am very creative
  8. I am a good writer
  9. I am an excellent story teller, caregiver, nurse, housekeeper, hugger, kisser, cuddler, disciplinary, chef, playmate, field trip organizer, encourager, confidant, protector, teacher and friend (aka MOM)
  10. I easily forgive
  11. I am a hard worker
  12. I am strong
  13. I have beautiful eyes
  14. I write beautiful poems
  15. I am emotional and compassionate
  16. I am an animal lover
  17. I am fortunate to be financially stable
  18. I have a family who loves and supports me
  19. I am smart
  20. I am organized
  21. I smile a lot
  22. I love watching my kids just being kids
  23. I love to read
  24. I appreciate the smaller things in life, like sunrises/sunsets, rain, nature at night
  25. I am very compassionate towards & concerned for others
  26. I am successful
  27. I attract positive-minded people to me; I draw all things positive to myself
  28. I am caring, smart, supportive, loyal and fun to be with
  29. I am sure of my ability to do what is necessary to improve my life
  30. If I make mistakes, I remember that I am human and I'm able to forgive myself
  31. I behave in ways that promote my health more every day
  32. I am highly motivated to exercise my body because I now find exercise fun
  33. I let go of the past so I can move forward
  34. I am provided with the perfect circumstances to make a permanent change in my life
  35. I always have more than I need
  36. Everything I do and everywhere I go, the outcome benefits me
  37. I love life, and life loves me
  38. I am here for a reason and I live my life with deliberate purpose
  39. I love myself and I am worth the effort
  40. My body is getting slimmer with every new hour
  41. My energy and vitality have increased 100%
  42. When I wake up in the morning, I am at peace with myself
  43. I am in control of which path I take
  44. I am the type of friend that I would like to have
  45. My daily fitness routine makes me feel healthy, strong, accomplished and proud
  46. I am a walking example of God's love
  47. My personality is radiant with success, beauty & happiness
  48. I have more than enough strength and vigor to accomplish my goals
  49. I have the courage, strength and will power to follow through on my dreams
  50. My personal experiences in life have made me the strong person I am today.

Day 17...week 6

Published by Melanie under on 7:49 AM
When we got to the park last night Paige was thrilled to see that her friend had also joined her mom for the night. I, on the other hand, knew that it was going to be very hard for my little social butterfly to push herself to work out when her friend was not. However, I was curious to see how devoted Paige really was, and didn't say anything to her.

After our walk/run stretch, we finished warming up with 1 JJ 1 PU, 2 JJ 2 PU...etc to 10.

Tracy told us that the night's routine was called "Super Sets."


lunges across the parking lot. When you got to the other side, you had to hold a lunge position until everyone was there (we could change sides when we were tired)

1 min mountain climbers (my hands have blood blisters this morning since we had to do them on the blacktop. Kind of dangerous since there are a lot of loose ricks!)

1 min side crunches


1 min break


1 min push ups

1 min burpies

1 min plank


1 min break

Set 3

Russian sit ups

1 min suicides

1 min angel wings


1 min break

Set 4

6 minutes Indian run (running single file, last one in line sprints to front)

1 min break

Set 5

1 min dips

1 min wide push ups

1 min knee taps


1 min break

Set 6 (we took turns choosing our torture)

1 min JJ
1 min fast feet
1 min knee taps
1 min lunges
1 min high knee skipping
1 min side shuffle
1 min rockys
1 min good mornings (per side)

1 min break


fire hydrants
1 min leg pulse per side
1 min leg kicks (per side)
1 min laying down toe touches
1 min plank

What was up with the planks last night? Geesh! I HATE them...we did 4 minutes of them!

Just to give you an idea of how tiring that night was...I usually drink about 1/2 a liter of water per practice. Last night I drank almost a liter. I stole the rest of Paige's water (since she "rested" a lot) and also accepted another lady's offering of an extra bottle she brought. I woke up at 1 am because I had to pee so bad! I was actually dreaming about finding a bathroom!

Anyway...when we were done, Tracy went over our weekly project assignment. It was to add another 25 affirmations to the list we had already started, and then to pick 5 affirmations to post throughout the house so that we would see them every day and read them aloud...reminding ourself to have positive thinking. I guess I better get started on that!

Oh, and if you're wondering how Paige did with her friend there...she did OK. She could see me looking at her when she was taking a "break" and would say, "Sorry (friend's name), my mom's getting mad. I need to work out." Now, if she were taking breaks because she needed them, by all means I would not have been getting upset. However, she was taking breaks...and a lot of that she could listen to her friend's High School Musical 3 CD.

On the way home I told Paige that it was good of her to take breaks when she needed them, but not to baby herself. If she sat out most of the exercises she wasn't helping herself. She was very emotional, reassuring me that she was taking breaks because she was SOOOO TIRED, but I wasn't convinced. I just asked her to remember that she sees her friend every day at school and that it's distracting to the other ladies when they're talking. Boot camp is for exercising...not talking...and that I hope she remembered why she wanted to come.

I think she understands. My child the talker!

Day 16...week 6

Published by Melanie under on 7:28 AM

I am so incredibly proud of Paige.

I have been getting concerned with Paige's weight lately. I know that she has a lot of things working against her...her genetics in particular...and I want to make sure that I teach her proper eating & exercising habits NOW so that she has them when she'll need them in the future.

It's such a touchy subject...trying to teach good eating habits without making her feel like she's fat. She is already made fun of in school because she has a belly, and any time I try to casually steer her from a fatty snack to a healthy one, she says, "I know...I'm fat." I DO NOT want her to get a complex so young about her body or self-esteem. Luckily for me, there is an easy solution that will make her feel so great about herself...joining me every night for Boot Camp.

She's been begging to come with me, but until now I have elected NOT to let her come for a few reasons:
1. it runs past her current bed time
2. when I'm working out I'm so exhausted that I wouldn't be able to watch her
3. when I DID take her, she gave up so quickly

Elmo and I discussed it, and we agreed that ANY amount of physical exercise was better than none and worth far more than the extra 30 minutes of sleep she would be missing.

When I told Paige that we decided she could come every night (she's been begging to come) IF she PROMISED not to give up and to try her best. She agreed...and last night she did just that.

Paige started the night super charged...when we did our walk/run, she was 1st in the pack. Not wanting my daughter to show me up...I was right beside her. We finished 1st, and all the ladies were saying, "Whoa Mama! What got into you? You should bring your daughter more often!"

Having our self-esteem lifted, we stretched & then started the night's routine. The name?

Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me?

.....I told you Tracy names these according to what ever song is on at the time!

Anyway...the night went as follows:

Skip for 30 seconds...skip backwards for 30 seconds.. repeat 3 times

Side shuffle 30 sec each side...repeat 3 times

30 JJ, run to line 30 JJ run back

1 min lunges, 1 min v push ups...repeat 3 times

1 min squat jumps, 1 min fast feet...repeat 3 times

1 min backward lunges, 1 min angel wings...repeat 2 times

1 min leap frogs, 1 min reg push ups...repeat 2 times

1 min jump turns, 1 min arm circles...repeat 2 times

1 min burpies, 1 min plank...repeat 2 times

1 min knee taps, 1 min spiderman lunges...repeat 2 times

Now, let me briefly explain what a SPIDERMAN lunge is...

first, get into a plank position
bring your right foot to your right you're scaling a wall (like spiderman)
bring your right foot back into plank position
bring your left foot to your left hand
bring your left foot back into plank position

Doesn't that sound like fun!! It's NOT. My inner thighs are sore!

Butts & Abs:

fire hydrants
leg lifts...1 min each side
laying down toe touches
big flutter kicks

Now, back to why I am SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF PAIGE....she didn't quit at all last night. I could tell she was so tired, but she never gave up. She was such a trooper. I told her that she did amazing, and that I was so proud of her. She was glowing. She was so proud of herself and said, "I'm not going to stop at all tomorrow Mom." I told her that if she needed to stop to catch her breath there was nothing wrong with that. I don't want you to pass out or hurt yourself. I am very excited to see the impact this will have on her, as well as our relationship. This, for us both, is a bonding time, not strictly a workout. She feels so special that she's allowed to come.

This morning when Paige called me to let me know that they were at the bus stop, she said (in a super happy voice), "Bye Mom, I love you. And I'll see you when you get home and I'll be all ready for tonight's practice."

I am so thankful for the way things just seem to work I am constantly reminded that God has a plan for us all. My life has completely changed by joining this boot camp, which I would NEVER have known about if I hadn't gone ONLINE (rather than to the actual office) to sign the kids up for their winter sports. Because of Boot Camp

I have a much higher self esteem
I am much more healthy than I was just a month ago
I am strengthening my bond with Paige
I am SO MUCH less stressed because I have ME time
I am losing weight
I have gained friends, of whom are so incredibly supportive and inspirational
I am so much happier

Honestly, who could ask for a better impact than that?

Day 15...end of week 5

Published by Melanie under on 8:12 AM
I am still waiting for these nights to get easier...or at least for me to be able to end without feeling like I am going to fall over & die. There are girls in the group who have been with Tracy for over a year, and they are so inspiring (and intimidating). They are (more often than not) far ahead of me, and though we are told "There is no competition here" I feel so discouraged at times. I think to myself (and I'm sure I'm wrong), "There's no way they're really doing all 120 Rocky's; that's why they're ahead" or "I'm doing the exercises properly, and that takes more time than their ways."

I asked them last night before we started, "How long did it take you before you were able to do all 120 Rocky's without stopping?" They said that they STILL DIE when they're doing them, but that their endurance (and inner competitiveness) is stronger and it allows them to push them out. Then they told me something I wasn't expecting, and it made me glow...they said "I don't even know why you're questioning your performance; you're doing so amazing. My first month I couldn't finish a single routine, and you have finished every single one." It was nice to hear some reassurance & know that even though I wasn't able to keep up with the veterans yet, I was still holding my own.

Wednesday I was so sore from Tuesday's workout. I felt like an old lady every time I tried to stand up and walk. My legs (mainly my thighs) were so stiff. Based on my experience with Boot Camp, I knew that doing exercise when you're sore is just what the Dr. ordered, so I dragged myself to the Elliptical and pushed out 20 minutes (250 calories). I was exhausted, but stretched out enough that I wasn't sore anymore. I cleaned up and headed directly for soft, fluffy, warm inviting piece of Heaven.

Thursday morning I woke up and didn't have even an inkling of pain anywhere. It was the first time in a long time that I work up without moaning from the aching in some part of my body. I felt great...knowing that my recovery time was finally decreasing.

For our routine that night we did what Tracy called "Playing Fitness." It was supposedly derived from football...according to Tracy, but even now I don't see the relation.

After we walked/ran/stretched/1JJ, 1 PU, 2 JJ, 2 PU 10, we were given the instructions for our routine.

Tracy set up cones in the parking lot (8 on 1 side, 9 on the other). We were to start at one cone on one side with a given exercise, run across the lot to the adjacent cone, do another exercise there, and run back to the other side...repeating until we reached the BIG cone. Once we reached the goal (cone) we had to do another exercise back, and start all over with other exercises.

So, cycle 1:

Bottom side: 10 burpies (90 in total)
Top side: 10 Jumping Jacks (80 total)
Frankenstein walks back to start

Cycle 2:

Bottom side: 10 squat jumps (90 in total)
Top side: 10 good mornings each side (160 total) My hands are skinned from these!
Lunges back to start

Cycle 3:

Bottom side: 10 Squat Jump turns (90 total)
Top side: 20 foot shuffle (hands on ground alternate feet up & down) (160 total) My hands are skinned from these too.
Side shimmy back to start

Cycle 4:

Bottom side: 10 Side Crunches (90 in total)
Top side: 40 angel wings (320 total)
Skip back to start

Butts & Abs:
Fire Hydrants
Track position (like racers at the track) moving 1 leg back & front for a minute...both sides. This KILLED KILLED KILLED!!! Did I mention that killed? What PAIN!
Laying down toe touches

At the end of the nigh we had to share one of our goals. I shared that one of my financial goals was to start savings accounts for the kids, with semi-monthly deposits drawn from my checks.

The newest girl is so sweet, and is getting so discouraged. Every night we try to reassure her that she is doing great, but she feels like she isn't. She's very competitive, so when she see that we are all ahead of where she is, she gets down on herself. (kind of like me, but she's worse) She is so concerned with the length of time it will take for her to see results. Despite everyone telling her that she will be amazed after only the first month, she isn't convinced. I hope that she is able to push herself a little more and longer so that she will be able to get stronger and stick with the camp. It truly is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life...and I know that if it weren't for all of the girls in the group reassuring me and my progress it would be so easy for me to stop coming. Every single night is hard for me...every single night I feel like crying from mental & physical fatigue, but just when I need it, someone will say, "You're doing great" or "Awesome job Melanie" or some other word of encouragement. At the end of each night, I am soaked with sweat, exhausted, hot and sore, but I feel like a million bucks....with legs of Jello!

Day 14...Week 5

Published by Melanie under on 10:17 AM
I am SO INCREDIBLY SORE today! Last night (in conjunction with Monday's workout) was so fast paced and exhausting. I am very thankful to have a day off.

After our normal warm up, we finished with the JJ/PU routine ( 10:10).

Tracy told us that the name for the night's routine was "4 corners."

Each "cycle" consisted of doing a given exercise at each corner, running to the next corner and doing 3 sets of 40 step ups at the BLUE area.

Cycle 1:

10 Burpies

10 Burpies
10 Burpies
3 * 40 Rockys

10 Burpies

Cycle 2:
15 Ground Jump Squats

15 Ground Jump Squats
15 Ground Jump Squats
3 * 40 Rockys

15 Ground Jump Squats

Cycle 3:
20 JJ

20 JJ
20 JJ
3 * 40 Rockys

20 JJ

Cycle 4:
20 Angel Wings

20 Angel Wings
20 Angel Wings
3 * 40 Rockys

20 Angel Wings

Cycle 5:
15 standing sit ups

15 standing sit ups
15 standing sit ups
3 * 40 Rockys

15 standing sit ups

Cycle 6:
15 Side Crunches

15 Side Crunches
15 Side Crunches
3 * 40 Rockys

15 Side Crunches

So, in case you were wondering...
that's a total of:

55 Push-ups
135 JJ
40 Burpies
60 Ground Jump Squats
80 Angel Wings
60 standing sit ups
60 Side Crunches
720 stairs - UP & DOWN
and 6 miles (give or take)

And, as if that weren't enough...we still had to do butts & abs.

Fire hydrants
leg pulse (right & left)
leg lifts (on all 4's, knee bent foot flexed, reach for the sky) each side
laying down toe touches
leg ladders (climb leg touch toe)

No wonder I'm sore today!!!!! Geesh!

Week 5, Project - Goal Setting

Published by Melanie under on 11:55 AM
Our project for this week is Goal Setting again. We are to review our goals that we set last month, see if we met the goals with past deadlines, alter the deadlines if need be, and set at least 1 new goal per category.

My goals last month were:

Physical - Under 200 by Thanksgiving - Deadline has not passed. Still a goal
Financial - Save at least $500 a month - No luck with this goal yet. Still a goal.
Family - Dedicate 1 day a week as a family day (games, outings, events) - COMPLETED We have dedicated 1 weekend day as the FAMILY DAY and the kids get to pick from a baggie of a bunch of family activities.
Career - Couldn't think of one here....
Social - Make more time for me with friends - I am in the process of achieving this
Spiritual - Start reading/teaching biblical stories to the kids - I have not completed this (or even attempted to start) yet. Sill a goal.

My new goals for this month are:

Physical - By the end of this month, I want to complete the "bicycle exercise" for the whole minute, which will show me that I have increased my abdominal strength
Financial - I want to start savings accounts for the kids
Family - Less shouting and more talking
Career - still nothing
Social - I want to gain more self confidence so that I won't be embarrassed of my appearance when I go somewhere
Spiritual - I want to start nightly prayer again.

Start of Month 2

Published by Melanie under on 11:30 AM
Last night was the start of a new session. There was 1 additional girl who joined, who coincidentally has a daughter that is in the same class as Paige. Small world.

Anyway, the night started off as usual...walk / run / stretch

1 min JJ
1 min squat jumps
1 min fast feet
1 min prisoner squats

The routine was called "I want it all." I'm starting to think that Tracy names these routines based on what song she's listening to at the time! :0)

As the name might imply, the workout was targeted at working every muscle...Luckily we had a few days off, but I still did 40 minutes on the Elliptical and burnt 503 calories!

We started with Cardio, followed by core, then cardio, then legs, then cardio again.

1 min JJ
1 min burpies
1 min squat jumps
1 min fast feet

1 min planks
1 min ab blasters (plank ups)
1 min push ups
1 min angel wings

1 min JJ
1 min burpies
1 min squat jumps
1 min fast fee

1 min wide push ups
1 min angel wings
1 min side crunch (left)
1 min side crunch (right)
1 min bicycle

1 min JJ
1 min burpies
1 min squat jumps
1 min fast feet

1 min lunges
1 min backward lunges
1 min side lunges (left)
1 min side lunges (right)
1 min prisoner squats
(A lot more that I can't think of at the moment)

1 min JJ
1 min burpies
1 min squat jumps
1 min fast feet

Butts & Abs

Fire hydrants
toe touches (like situps but legs flat)
reach throughs (like sit ups, but you touch the ground in between your feet)
leg lifts (right)
leg lifts (left)
Alternating toe touches (legs in air, crunching while touching alternating toes)

I am sore this morning. I felt so bad for the new girl last night. She is thin, but said that she hadn't worked out in over a year. She was exhausted and was preoccupied with trying not to throw up. I told her that it was normal, and that she may feel better if she did throw up...I know I did on my first night!!

I think that Tracy makes the first night of each new session hardest so that those who are new know what they're getting into. Not that any other night is EASY (far from it) but I think that she pushes us harder & faster on the first nights of new sessions!

1 Month Measurements

Published by Melanie under on 8:32 AM
Last Month, my measurements were as follows:

Weight - 223
Neck - 13.25"
Bellybutton - 45.75"
3" below hips - 52.75"
R Thigh 6" above knee - 25.5"
L Thigh 6" above knee - 25.5"

Current Clothing sizes
Pants - 20
Shirt - 1X
Bra - 38C

This morning, I re-measured and am happy to report:

Weight - 220 - Lost 3 pounds
Neck - 13." - Lost .25"
Bellybutton - 44" - Lost 1.75"
3" below hips - 51.5" - Lost 1.25"
R Thigh 6" above knee - 23.5" - LOST 2"
L Thigh 6" above knee - 23.5" - LOST 2"


Inches lost: 7.25"
Pounds lost: 3 pounds

Whoooo Hooooooo!!

Day 12...end of 1st Month - GRADUATION

Published by Melanie under on 7:17 AM
I have officially completed 12 of the most difficult workouts in my entire 30 years of life. I feel so accomplished! Even though it's only been 4 weeks, I can definitely tell a difference in my body. Just this morning I was looking at myself in the mirror. I noticed that my arms are MUCH thinner and toned. I am losing that unsightly "jiggle" flap that everyone hates! My stomach is smaller, my legs are more toned and my endurance is 100 times what it was a month ago. I run the park, and though I'm still out of breath when I'm done, I recover SO MUCH faster. I'm able to do MOST of the exercises from start to finish...there are those few AB exercises that I still can't complete! I am so proud of myself, and consumed with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

Last night, Liz came with me. As you may (or may not) know, Liz is my tiny 5' 1" size 0 (not kidding) Mexican friend. She is a gym rat...and takes every class she can at the gym. She's amazing. Anyway, when I told her that I was in Boot Camp, she thought it would be something she'd like to try...imagine that. :0)

After the normal routine of walk/run/stretching, we completed our warm up with LADIES FITNESS BOOT CAMP Jumping Jacks, where basically you spell LADIES FITNESS BOOT CAMP while doing jumping jacks followed by 1 minute of fast feet. Repeat.

Tracy told us that the night's routine was called "It's Gettin' Hot in Here." A lot of the girls recognized the name, but I couldn't get a feel as to whether or not it was one they enjoyed.

Basically, the routine was 5 sets of 5 sequential exercises with 1 minute breaks in between each set. Since I was with Liz (and we were talking) I'm not sure I can remember everything we did, but I'll try:

knee taps

angel wings
push ups
Butt kicks
arm circles
angel wings

jump rope
push ups
squat touches
mountain climbers

Wide pushups
arm circles
angel wings

fast bicycle
slow bicycle
plank ups

Then, time for Butts & Abs

Fire hydrants
leg lift (right)
leg lift (left)
butt lift (right)
butt lift (left)
leg ups
1/2 sit ups with 1 leg bent & other leg 3" off ground (both sides)

Wow! I can't believe that I remembered all of that! It was a very tiring night, and since I brought a guest, Tracy thought it necessary to pick on us all night...I felt's her way of showing she cares. I was the demonstrator for every exercise, which meant that I did more than anyone else (so what if it was only 3 or 4 was MORE!) and Tracy kept standing over us so that we couldn't slack (not that we were). Usually if you're tired, you stop for a second or 2 and then continue...but not last night! Tracy was on us (me & Liz) like flies on crap (but with love :0), and constantly telling us we couldn't stop. I was (secretly) glad to see that the routine was even difficult for Liz to complete; It made me feel better about being able to complete it myself!

After we were done with the routine, it was graduation time. When we were called, we had to tell the "class" how we felt about boot camp, what we've noticed changed, what our additional workout was for the week, and if we had lost any inches.

I (lucky me) was first, and said that I absolutely loved going to LFBC because it gave me a huge sense of accomplishment and self esteem. I was so motivated now to push myself harder at everything just to keep up with the veterans, and by doing so I have increased my stamina and endurance and decreased my recovery time. (In other words, I can feel that I'm getting healthier) I told her that although I hadn't measured myself, I had lost 3 pounds (and she asked WHY ARE YOU GETTING ON A SCALE...I told her I was in a weight loss study, so she understood) and noticed a lot of things changing on my body. I also told her that I bought an Elliptical and that I did that for 30 minutes Wednesday, in addition to my walk on Sunday, for my additional workout homework. I was then presented with my first official LFBC dog tag...which I will proudly display on my key chain.

Here's to the first of many future dog tags, a better body, higher self esteem, and a happier ME.

I wish I had found this thing sooner!!

Day 11....week 4

Published by Melanie under on 8:12 AM
Ok, so last night was EXHAUSTING, but SO MUCH FUN!

We started with the usual...walking/running/stretching

Then to finish our warm up, we did 2 sets of 30 JJ, 30 half JJ, & 30 mountain climbers.

Tracy told us that she was going to loosen our butts that night because of the routine we did the night before. Everyone was sore!

The routine for the night:

Exercise Freeze Tag

Same rules as the game we all used to play on the playgrounds as kids, but rather than just walking or running around and "freezing" if tagged, we would be doing various exercises.

We did 3 rounds, each 15 minutes, split into 3 "mini rounds" of different exercises & new "it" person. If you were tagged, you had to do another exercise in one place until you were unfrozen by someone else. Confused?

Basically, for the first round:

5 minutes Frankenstein walk (who ever was "it" had to get you while doing the exercise too)
5 minutes knee taps (new "it" person)
5 minutes backwards skipping (new "it" person)

if you were tagged during that round, you had to do angel wings. By the end, people were letting themselves get tagged and begging others not to unfreeze them!

In between each round, we had to run 2 laps. My shin was KILLING, so I ran 1 lap and did knee taps while the others ran the last lap. Some girls only did knee taps.

The 2nd round went as follows:

5 minutes lunges (I was "it" for these)
5 minutes jumping jacks (try doing jumping jacks while moving all over!!!) (new "it" person)
5 minutes shuffle (new "it" person)

If you were tagged during that round, you had to do forward arm circles. By this time we were EXHAUSTED and our arms were killing from the jumping jacks!

Run 2 laps (I ran 1, did knee touches again)

The 3nd round went as follows:

5 minutes backwards leg extensions
5 minutes Sumo walk (new "it" person)
5 minutes something I can't remember (new "it" person)

If you were tagged during that round, you had to do backward arm circles.

Run 2 laps (I ran 1, did knee touches again)

Then, after we caught our breath for a minute, it was time for BUTTS & ABS:

Fire hydrants
leg ups (on all 4's, lift 1 leg (bent at knee) to sky) - Both sides
Hunting dogs (on all 4's, bring knee in to touch alternating elbow, then extend leg & arm, repeat) - Both sides
Leg Flutters (on back, legs up in air, alternate bringing 1 leg down almost touching ground, then back up)
Scissors (like flutters, but moving (crisscrossing) legs right to left while you move them up & down (works your abs))

All in all, it was an extremely tiring routine, but it went by so fast because it was fun. I can't believe that we were doing those exercises for 5 minutes at a time. I think 2-3 minutes was the longest ever, and even then we were dying.


Thursday is graduation. I'm so excited to get my measurements, take my BMI, and get my "I Survived Boot Camp" tee shirt & dog tags.

1 month least 2 to go. I'm seriously considering re-signing!

Day 10...beginning of week 4

Published by Melanie under on 9:11 AM
Well here we are already at the last week of the first month. I can't believe it!

I was very close to "skipping" last night. I just got my monthly friend, and I was feeling quite less than perfect. I was very crampy and felt bloated, not to mention it was pretty chilly...but I went...and I made it through. I have to remember to keep pushing myself, or I'll never achieve my goal.

Last night I was pleasantly surprised to see that Jen was again our trainer for the night (I think she's a weeee bit easier...but not by much). We did our walk/run and then Jen told us that the night's routine was "No Butts About It." As you can gather from the name, we hammered our butts. The routine was a "work at your own pace" routine, which meant that everyone was on their own. It went as follows:

1 JJ, 1 PU, 2 JJ 2 PU...etc to 10

200 yards of lunges

skip the parking lot

3 sets of "good mornings", 20 on each side. (I thought Jen said 40 per side. Luckily I heard her tell someone after me "20 per side". I was already at 37!! My left butt/thigh was ON FIRE!!)

200 yards Sumo Walk

run the parking lot backwards

3 reps of 20 step ups per side

200 yards backward lunges

shuffle the parking lot

40 leg swings per side

3 reps of 20 "stranger kicks" per side (where your hands are on the curb & you use 1 leg to kick the "stranger's" shin then abdomen)

200 Yards Frankenstein Walk

Run the parking lot

3 reps of 20 step downs per side

200 yards side squat walks (legs apart, squat, walk sideways while squatting)

run parking lot

3 reps of 20 squat kicks per side (I only did 1 rep b/c we ran out of time)


As if we didn't do enough "butts"............

Fire hydrants
1 min leg pulse (on all 4's, 1 leg straight out moving slightly up & down) EACH SIDE
1 min leg ups (on all 4's, 1 leg bent at knee, moving leg up & down) EACH SIDE
1 min toe touches laying down (like sit-ups, but legs flat)
1 min toe touches (on back with legs in air, alternating hands to feet)

Let me tell you there are "No Butts About It,", my butt is KILLING today. Bending over to pick up anything..a pencil, Jadyn's dolly, a paper...feels SOOOO good. It's a great stretch!

Our homework for the week is to add an additional 30 minute workout into the week. I do that anyway...since I work out at least 2 of the 4 days we don't have boot camp. Coleton & I took the dogs for a nice long walk on Sunday, and so I thought that would count. Nope, we have to add a workout between Monday & Thursday, which only leaves Wednesday. I sold my treadmill on Friday because I want to get an Elliptical. They're much more intense and burn at least twice the calories that a treadmill does. I finally found a decent used Elliptical yesterday. I paid for it and Eddie will be helping me transport it to my house on Wednesday...just in time to get in that additional workout!

Day 9...End of week 3

Published by Melanie under on 7:55 AM
I made it another week!!

Kim was supposed to go with me last night, but sadly couldn't make it again. I was so bummed. It seemed to be a day of disappointment; first with Heather & then with Kim.

Each night of boot camp seems to be harder and harder than the last...both with leaving the house without Jadyn screaming and the fatigue that my muscles are forced to overcome in order to accomplish the night's routine. Last night, as soon as I got my socks out of the drawer, Jadyn knew what was happening. She clung to me like a newborn little monkey and screamed if I went more than 5 feet from her...even if I was just going to go to the bathroom. Elmo had to distract her in her room while I slipped down the stairs, and even as I was putting my shoes on I could hear her starting to cry. I am so thankful that Elmo is supporting me with this. He is amazing, and hasn't complained even once.

Last night as we began our walk/run warm-up, I noticed that my feet were once again on fire. I am really curious to know the cause of that so that I can prevent it, or at least comfort it. It is truly one of the most uncomfortable and painful things...I literally feel like my feet have flames on them.

Anyway, after we did our warm-up and stretching, Jen told us that the night's routine was called "Boxing Ladies". I took it as a good sign that no one moaned...and I was right. Though still difficult, it was one of the less painful and exhausting routines I've done so far. The night went as follows:

10 JJ
10 Half JJ (arms only go up to sides)
20 mountain climbers

1 min squat punches (squatting, you punch in front of you)
1 min squat punching bag (squatting you "punch" the hanging bag above)
1 min squat kicks LEFT SIDE
1 min squat kicks RIGHT SIDE

2 min break

shuffle the park (I HATE SHUFFLING!!!!)
1 min push ups
1 min fast sit ups w/ partner counting - My partner (we'll call her Amy) is about 125 - 130 pounds, very petit and sweet. She did the sit-ups first and did 33. I thought "that's about twice what I'll be able to do" since she is very fit and was going at a good speed. I DID 37! I was ecstatic!
1 min push ups, then lift alternating arms

2 min break

1 min leg side swings (left)
1 min leg side swings (right)
1 min fast sit ups w/ partner counting, but we had to beat 0ut score from the 1st time - I beat EVERYONE there and did 45 that time. "Amy" did 34. That's a total of 82 sit-ups in 2 minutes! I felt so good b/c everyone was cheering me on & amazed at how fast I was doing them.

3 mins Rocky's (step on & off the curb)
1 min squat punches

Sure I'm missing some exercises.......

2 min break

15 MINUTES of ladder run (everyone running in line, last person sprints to front etc...). We ended up running the park 5 times and walking 1. I was only able to run 2.5 laps in a row, then speed walked 1 (keeping pretty close to the rest) and then caught up and ran the last 1.5 laps. Then I walked the last with them.


Fire hydrants
toe touches laying down
leg climbers
up & overs
Something else that I'm forgetting....

At the end of the night we reviewed our weekly project, "Gratitude Journaling." A lot of people mentioned that their kids, co-worker &/or significant other noticed an improvement, that they noticed themselves an improvement in their stamina during boot camp, or that they had lost weight. I said that I was able to control myself now around food and that I have noticed I am (in particular my arms) more toned than I was 3 weeks ago. Next week I get to re-measure myself and see if I've lost any inches, and my weight loss study appointment is on Wednesday, so I'll be weighed as well. Wish me luck!

On a positive note...I am not sore AT ALL this morning. I really can't believe it. We did a lot of squatting and A LOT of ab work, and yet I'm not sore. Either I'm getting stronger or I didn't work very had last night. Seeing as how I was soaked with sweat and kicked butt in sit-ups, I believe it is the former statement!

Day 8...week 2

Published by Melanie under on 9:58 AM
First, I'd like to invite you to view my other blog, which you may find a little more interesting. I have decided to create a blog that talks about my life with the kids & Elmo; daily happenings, recent events, and just plain ol' updates. It will include pictures of the kids that I don't normally share, so take a look and visit often. I will be attempting to add posts every day.

Anywho.....back to my "normal" topic...BOOT CAMP

I took Paige with me last night as Kim was unable to attend. I hope she's able to make it Thursday! We started the night off....this time again in the parking lot. I HATE IT!!! My knees do to, and have no problem reminding me with every step. The blacktop is a lot less forgiving than the grass!

Now, we walk/run the parking lot, which I swear is larger than the park...oh well...I can still do it. Stretch...did a few that felt really good on my hamstrings!

Tracy (who was wearing a jacket because "Remember, I don't work out" she was chilly) told us that the routine was called Day - O - Circuits. I hate circuits. They are tiring, boring and tiring. (Did I already mention that??)

I am drawing a complete blank here....what did we do?

1 minutes of JJ
1 min Burpies
1 min squats
1 min squat jumps
1 min knee taps


2 minute break

(did I mention that my legs were still killing from Monday's routine? WHY THE HECK WERE WE WORKING OUR FRICKING LEGS AGAIN???

1 min standing lunge (rt side)
1 min standing lunge (lft side)
1 min push ups
1 min angel wings
1 min lunges
1 min chibattas (about 6" away from a bench, squatting until your butt hits the bench, stand up)


1 min arm circles (clockwise)
1 min arm circles (counter clockwise) DYING AGAIN
1 min wide arm push ups
1 min squat touches (squat & touch the ground, stand up fast)
1 min step-ups (on curb) right leg only
1 min step-ups (on curb) left leg only


I think (I'm sure) I'm missing some, but you get the idea. Another hard night...another hard routine...another night of sweating my butt off (literally, I hope!).


Fire Hydrants
Dead Fish
V ups
Toe Touches (laying down) - THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING WE DO~!
on all 4's, then lift rt hand, lft foot - HOLD for a minute, then move arm & leg to meet at center, then out again for another minute.
REPEAT with other side
1 min Leg ups (flat on back, legs up in air, lift butt off ground)

Paige did better than I thought she would do. She gave it her best, (I wouldn't let her do some of the exercises (push ups, burpies) to protect her wrist), and she lasted about 15-20 minutes. I was very proud of her. She was very tired...and so she stopped & played with Jen's (our substitute trainer) daughter who was also there.

After we were done, we exchanged recipes or meal ideas since when you're watching what you eat, it can feel like you're limiting yourself to the same 3 meals a day. I got a few interesting ideas for new additions to salads and a few sandwich ideas, but mostly everyone's daily choices were what I'm eating already...smoothies & egg beaters for breakfast, salad / lean cuisine for lunch, grilled chicken w/veggies for dinner & snacking on fruit, yogurt, cheese & granola bars.

As I was showering this morning, (I have the (un)fortunate location of the shower in front of the mirror) I noticed that my stomach does look smaller. I was excited and hopped on the scale...but it read the same weight...bummer!

Muscle weighs more than fat.....Muscle weighs more than fat.....Muscle weighs more than fat.....

Weekly Project - Week 3

Published by Melanie under on 1:14 PM
So, for this week's project we are to start a "Gratitude" journal. Contrary to its title, it is not about what we are thankful for. In this journal, we're supposed to write down the exact dates of the moments that we are complimented, notice a change in ourselves, accomplish tasks easier than in the past, or anything of the sort that has to do with our commitment to Boot Camp.

No one's complimented me on my appearance since this journey, nor have I seen an change in my physical appearance.

I have noted before in this blog, moments that I heard people compliment me *or my dedication* with regard to my efforts, however indirectly.

My first moment of gratitude would have to have been on Day 1, where I ran longer than I could ever remember myself running. I was very proud of myself.

Another note of gratitude is that I no longer fall victim to my junk food weakness. I feel that I am FINALLY in control of my eating habits. I FINALLY have enough motivation (all the work that I do at boot camp) to say no to sweets, chips, and all of the other "TOXINS" that I previously allowed to pollute my body.

I am motivated, compelled, devoted, encouraged, and positive....and I know that I will succeede.

Day 7 - Week 3

Published by Melanie under on 12:35 PM
I was pretty good over the weekend...given the fact that there WAS a birthday. Friday night Coleton, Jadyn & I went on a 3 mile bike ride. He is such a sweetheart...God definitely blessed me with that little guy. My legs were pretty sore & stiff from Thursday's workout, so riding my bike with Jadyn on the back (& semi-flat tires no less) was both painful & exhausting. My little man stayed right behind me the whole time telling me that I was doing great. He is such an angel.

Saturday I didn't do anything...correction...I didn't do any exercise. We were very busy all day and I thought my body could use some much needed R&R. Didn't get it, but the thought was there!

Sunday, Elmo & Coleton went to the AZ Cardinal's game, so I took Paige & Jadyn to the zoo for her birthday. We were there for 5 hours...walking...that counts, doesn't it? When we got home, I put Jadyn to sleep & began the daunting task of decorating her cake using nothing by sandwich baggies. At 6:00 I was done. We ordered Pizza...I had 2 slices and only 1 bite of cake. I was feeling pretty bad about the pizza! I had no doubt that I would work a lot (or at least 1 slice) off on Monday.

I invited Kim to join me in the night's fun...but Sarah wasn't feeling well, so I got to take Coleton instead. Coleton was SURE that he would have no problem partaking in the night's events...and I had every bit of confidence that he would be able to keep up. Surprisingly, I was wrong!

The night's routine was called "Shuffle your butt off...Please Tracy, Thank you" (don't ask)

Walk, Run, Stretch.....Coleton had no problem with these....

The night went something like this:

1 JJ, 1 prisoner squat, 2 JJ, 2 prisoner squats....etc until 10.

2 minutes of shuffling (sideways...hard to describe)
1 min squats
1 min running
1 min squats

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min burpies
1 min running
1 min burpies

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min 3 shuffles lift leg (right side)
1 min running
1 min 3 shuffles lift leg (left side)

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min Frankenstein walk (arms out, kicking up as high as you can while walking)
1 min running
1 min knee touches while walking (like Frankenstein, but with legs bent)

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min good mornings (right side)
1 min running
1 min good mornings (left side)

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min star jumps
1 min running
1 min star jumps

2 minutes of shuffling
1 min squat jumps
1 min running
1 min squat jumps

2 minutes of shuffling
2 min running

Coleton gave up after about 5 minutes and said, "She's killing me." I don't know if he was really tired or if he just didn't want to do any more. What I do know is that he had been waiting for last night for 2 weeks...since I won't let them come during school b/c their bedtime is 8:00.

When it was time for butts & abs, Tracy was nice to us. We didn't really do anything that was very hard.

Fire Hydrants (Coleton told us that we looked like Cows)
Mule Kicks
Toe Touches (laying down)

That's it. It was a nice change!

One thing that I know I'm not going to like is that Tracy moved us to a parking lot. She said she had 2 reasons.

1. The grass is being re-seeded, so it's always wet when we workout. There is another lot of grass that we were using, but it's very uneven and houses a lot of ants.

2. It's better lit.

I'm not sure if it was the workout or the pavement, but my knees are KILLING me. Break out the Icy Hot & Ibuprofen!!

Day 6...End of week 2

Published by Melanie under on 7:47 AM
I SWEAR...if I hear "IT'S SUPPOSED TO HURT" or "20 Seconds!! Anyone can do ANYTHING for 20 seconds" one more frickin time, someone's going to get hurt.

It bugs me when Tracy stands over us with her stopwatch encouraging us to continue for the last few seconds . I don't know why it irritates me, but it does. Would these drills be less of a challenge if Tracy did them with us? Certainly not, and I know that she works out on her own and there's NO WAY she could work out with all 3 of her classes throughout the day, but at least I wouldn't have to listen the constant, "How does it feel?" questions or lie and say things felt AWESOME as much. For some reason when I'm working out (aka killing myself) my thoughts turn from pleasant to down right ugly toward her. I hate that. Must be the heat.... She really is a nice person, and I really DO like her a lot. Just don't ask me when I'm working out! I know that these are just temporary thoughts envoked by PAIN...and I need to blame someone. I have no doubt that these thoughts will soon disappear as my body becomes stronger. In all honesty, Tracy is great, and I love what she's put together to give me (and others) this amazing oppertunity to show ourselves what we CAN accomplish when we're pushed hard enough, and (like it or not) I know it's what I need to succede. Keep it comin' Tracy! YES I CAN

Last night Jen was our trainer again, as Tracy's daughters had an event of their own to attend. I really like Jen too. She's peppy, very sweet, and pushes us like Tracy. When I'm at a point where I've reached my limit and continue to trudge through the pain, Tracy & Jen will try to encourage me to hold on for the last few seconds, and it always seems to work. Imagine that!

Anyway...onto last night.

Yada Yada Yada.....Walk, Run, Stretch...same old, same old.

Jen called the routine last night "CORE TO THE BONE." When I got there, she asked how I was feeling after Tuesday's routine. I told her that my thighs were killing, and so was my left shin. She said "You'll be feelin' worse tonight." I asked if we were working our legs, and she said yes. Great. Not only were my legs in pain, but I wasn't feeling well. I had some serious GI issues last night...but they seemed to dissipate as the night went on...thank heavens!!

I have to admit that although the night was VERY DIFFICULT and EXHAUSTING, it FLEW by.

Things to note for future posts...JJ = Jumping Jacks PU = Pushups

The routine went as follows:

A JJ /PU ladder...1 JJ, 1 PU, 2 JJ, 2 PU....etc. until 10

6 MINUTES of lunges. Yes, 6 minutes...that's not a typo. I seriously think she was trying to kill us. I took a 20 second break in between because my shin was ON FIRE. It burned SO BAD!! Push'll live...(that's what I kept telling myself).

2 mins of leg lifts
1 minute of plank
1 minute of butt ups, in plank position.

6 minutes of Sumo Walk. We were (though writhing in pain) laughing hysterically while we did this exercise. Imagine if you will...10 or so WOMEN (some fat like me) squatting as Sumo wrestlers do (Hands on thighs too) and "walking" HUGE steps while in that Sumo's do when they enter the ring. It was quite a sight to see.

2 mins of plank kicks...while in the plank position, you alternate bringing in your legs to your chest, so rather than only having your elbows and both set of toes for support, you only have your elbows and 1 set of toes for support.

2 mins of scissor kicks (on back alternating legs up & down)

2 mins of side kicks (same as scissor, but vertically side to side)

6 minutes of backwards lunges (those are a mind trick! It's like re-training your brain how to lunge!)

2 mins of Mule Kicks

2 mins of alternating arm/leg touch...on all 4's left elbow touching right knee, right elbow touching left knee.

2 mins side crunch (right side)
2 mins side crunch (left side)


We did a lot interesting things last night. They wer almost all let me try to remember...

Of course, we started with fire hydrants...

Reach throughs (on back, legs bent on ground shoulders off ground, reach your hands through your legs)
2 mins of leg lifts
left leg sky touch (like mule kick, but leg is @ 90° angle up and you touch the sky)
right leg sky touch

I don't know...I can't remember the rest. All I know is that my abs were (for lack of a better word) pooped and my butt was burning. Jen kept saying, "We're going to have tight butts for Thanksgiving!"

When we were done, it was time to share our homework, which you may remember was to write 25 affirmations of ourselves. We had to share 2. There were some that I really liked that others shared:

No matter if you think you can or you can't, you're right.

When you decide to make a change, a change will start to happen

I am a walking example of God's love

I now choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way

My body heals quickly & easily

My ultimate favorite affirmation (and the one I would like to close this post with) is:

I choose to live my life the way that makes me happy and I am free.

Day 5 - Week 2

Published by Melanie under on 12:01 PM
Last night was the first night since I began this journey that I cried out of pain. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, since my face was dripping wet with sweat, but I have NEVER in my WHOLE LIFE pushed myself to such outer limits before. Even as I write this...I am still in awe that I didn't die (or at least collapse) last night.

You know the drill by now...jog then run the park, stretching...then the announcement of the night's theme. Last night was FABULOUS (or I'd like to use another "F" word) FIFTY'S. What's that you ask? 50 of EVERY body aching, back breaking, muscle shaking "exercise" you could imagine.

I know I will miss a zillion of the exercises we did, simply because I think my mind left my body somewhere in the middle. From what I can recall.....

2 push ups
2 prison squats (hands behind head, squat as low as you can)
2 jumping jacks

4 push ups
4 prison squats
4 jumping jacks

and so on at intervals of 2 up to 10, and then back to 2 (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
That adds up to 50 of everything.

Run 2 laps (equivalent to 1 they say, but I'm getting doubtful if it's that much)

2 minute break

50 burpies. Keep in mind that when we're late or rude (talking when Tracy is) she punishes us (individually) with 20 burpies. We had to do 50!

50 angel wings

1 minute break...during which Tracy told us to stretch our arms...we'd need it. (evil laugh)

50 "walk it out's", which SUCK YOU KNOW WHAT! Standing, you put your hands on the ground in front of your feet and "walk" your hands out until you're in a push up position. Then walk your feet back up to your hands, and JUMP up. 50 times....I was seriously dying. Really. I'm not kidding.

2 minute break

50 seconds of a plank (laying on tummy w/only elbows & toes touching the ground)

50 somethings...where (while still in a plank position) you use your abs to lift your butt high in the air.

50 Push ups

50 leg ups (on back, hands at side, one leg bent, other leg in air, lift butt up using bent leg)
50 leg ups on the other side.'re done before the others? Do 25 more each side.

50 toe touch (on back, feet up, back off ground, alternating tow touches)

50 butt ups (laying on back, hands under butt for support, feet in the air, lift butt off ground keeping feet @ 90° angle to body)

Stand up...1 minute break

(Now for the part where I cried)

Arms out to the side rotating clockwise for 3 minutes
without stopping
rotate counter clockwise for 3 minutes
without stopping put arms above head & rotate clockwise for 3 minutes
without stopping rotate counter clockwise for 3 minutes

Tracy said that if anyone dropped their arms or stopped, not only would we restart, but everyone would also do another 50 burpies. I was in so much pain. My arms weighed 1,000 pounds and my shoulders were burning like I've never felt before. I was doing EVERYTHING in my power not to drop my arms...I can't believe that I made it. I was arching my back, looking at the stars, dancing, thinking of the kids, you name it, I tried it. I was dying...what torture. I didn't want to be the one who dropped their arms and made everyone else suffer through even more. My arms were dead when we were done. I couldn't even lift my water to take a drink.

But we weren't really "done". Oh no.

50 angel wings

1 or 2 more things that I can't remember at the moment.

Then...time for BUTTS & ABS

Fire hydrants
50 sit ups
50 bicycles (on back legs up, knees bent, arms behind head, alternating left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee, counts as 1)
50 side to sides (laying on back, knees bent, feet on ground, shoulders off ground shifting side to side as your hands touch your ankles)
a lot more that I can't remember......

Words can NOT describe how ECSTATIC I am to have a night off. I am drained. My thighs are KILLING me today...surprisingly my shoulders aren't!

My feet didn't burn as bad last night, and not nearly as long, and I can't remember my shins hurting nearly as bad as they had previous nights either. I don't know if it's the shoes or the fact that we didn't really work on our legs last night, but for that I am thankful. Maybe I'm finally getting "used" to working out or at least my muscles are stronger.

It's a weird feeling that I'm experiencing right now...hating every second of boot camp, but loving how I feel when I complete every night. I am emotional right now writing this because I have never in my life pushed myself so hard, and I am so proud of the things I am able to accomplish. Never in a million years did I think that I would be running...doing over 100 push ups a night, such difficult things that I really feel are killing me at the time...and then so accomplished when I'm done. My self esteem has risen, I feel amazing, proud, worthy, and just plain old good. It's so easy for me to turn away foods that have for too long been my weakness. Fast food, fries, chips, a chocolate silk pie Elmo bought the other day, and countless others, no longer have the ability to shatter my ability to control. Even when I was working out at the gym 3 days a week, I still allowed myself to indulge, but for some reason, this time is different. I admit that I open the cupboards in an effort to snack, but no I settle on the pretzels vs. the chips, or pickle slices vs. the candy, or 1 bite of pie vs. a slice. It's so easy for me this time...subconsciously I think that I know every calorie counts and that I'm working WAY TOO HARD to allow an empty pleasure (food) to ruin my work.


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